Super Dragon Ball Heroes Episode 53 English Subbed

Watch Super Dragon Ball Heroes Episode 53 English Dub maxresdefault


Goku, Vegeta, Xeno Goku, Xeno Vegeta, and Xeno Trunks arrive in front of Ozotta's palace and ask the escort Chronoa to wait outside due to possible danger. He reluctantly agrees and hands Goku something before they leave with Goku swearing to do it. defeat Majin Ozott. Inside the palace, Ozotto greets the group and explains that many of the beings he has absorbed have been locked inside and to save them they will have to head to the five rooms ahead where they will have to face and defeat one of his clones. With no choice but to play Ozotto's game, Goku and the others enter one of the five rooms.

After Goku enters the room, he is personally greeted by one of Ozotto's clones waiting for him, and Goku soon transforms into the Ultra Instinct Sign ready to face him. Ozotto unleashes a flurry of attacks against the Saiyans, which Goku easily avoids even as he transforms into the likes of Turles and Bojack, though he manages to cut his face after transforming into Meta-Cooler. Ozotto reverts to his original form as he vows to eat everyone, even though Goku tells him that he underestimates his opponents, especially Vegeta.

Meanwhile, in one of the other rooms, Vegeta, who has transformed into his Super Saiyan Blue state, is fighting one of the other Ozotto clones. Although he appears to have the upper hand, he is shown to be unable to deal any significant damage. Ozotto transforms into Janembu and the background of the room changes to match the appearance of Hell. With his unique teleportation ability, Janemba is able to fire a blast directly at Vegeta's stomach, knocking him down. Believing that he has won, Janemba unleashes a volley of explosions before declaring the round over and starting to walk away. However, Vegeta gets back to his feet and becomes a Super Saiyan God SS Evolved, kicking Janembu into the air before hammering him back to the ground. Before he can recover, Vegeta fires a final blast that hits Janembu and ends him.

Elsewhere, Gohan wakes up, still trapped alongside Goten and Trunks, and is addressed by Ozotto. After asking where he is, Ozotto explains that he is actually inside Ozotto himself.