Every Form of Fusion in the Dragon Ball Franchise, Explained


 Akira Toriyama’s Dragon Ball is rich in surprising techniques that help characters achieve incredible strength in a short amount of time. Transformations and power boosts that characters must unlock through stressful experiences and strenuous training are Dragon Ball’s most popular tactics, but the series also start exploring the concept fusion throughout DBZ – a powerful procedure that allows two or more individuals to pool their strength and skills into one superior individual. Dragon Ball has now fully embraced fusion as a concept and there are even Dragon Ball video games that feature more than 50,000 unique character combinations, which in itself a testament to the ability’s versatility.

Dragon Ball is far from the only anime that features fusion and even series like Digimon, Yu-Gi-Oh!, and Sailor Moon dabble with various forms of fusion that combine characters together in fun ways. That being said, Dragon Ball has made fusion a permanent staple of the franchise that continues to pop up during crises, going so far as to canonize Gogeta in Dragon Ball Super: Broly. There are certain fusion tenets that are never abandoned, but the process’ expansion and evolution makes it worthwhile to touch base with Dragon Ball’s many unique fusion methods and how they all function.


Dragon Ball tends to go over in a tie-in when the heroes are overwhelmed and don't know how else to defeat a formidable foe. Dragon Ball Z did not introduce its primary means of fusion – the Metamoran Fusion Dance – until episode 247, "The Fusion Dance". Goku explains that he learned this synchronized procedure from a race of aliens known as the Metamorans, not unlike how he mastered Instant Transmission during his time with the Yardratians. The Metamoran fusion dance involves the least amount of commitment of the various Dragon Ball fusion methods, which is why it is used so often.

Individuals must perform a specialized dance that is performed in perfect synchronization with their partner, up to and including their power level to be perfectly aligned. Any inconsistencies in this regard lead to an incorrect fusion, which is usually useless. The saving grace of the metamoran fusion dance is that it only lasts thirty minutes, so any incorrect fusion expires after that time limit, rather than becoming a permanent consequence that individuals must live with forever.

The Metamoran Fusion Dance is most often performed by Goten and Trunks to become Gotenks. The duo even spends more time fighting in this fused state than they do as individuals. Goku and Vegeta also turned to this fusion method, which elevated them to Gogeta. While not strictly canon, it's worth pointing out that the Dragon Ball video games have taken this style of fusion to even greater heights, such as the five-way fusion dance pioneered by the Ginyu Force. Using Capsule Corporation technology, Bulma also develops Metamo rings that can be used to achieve EX-fusion. EX-fusions are also done through the fusion dance, though the individuals involved also wear these Metamo-Rings. There's a bit more leeway in that department, and fusion partners don't have to have identical body types or power levels to fuse successfully.

The Potara Earring Fusion Is A Trusted Technique From The Gods


Another dominant method of Dragon Ball fusion is the use of the Potara Earrings, which are a special relic designed for the Supreme Kai. The most notable pairing of the Potara earrings is witnessed in Dragon Ball Z episode 268, "Union Of Rivals", when Goku and Vegeta wear this prestigious piece of jewelry and become Vegit. Connecting the Potara earrings is much easier than the Metamoran fusion dance and there is very little room for error as the connection is achieved by simply wearing two earrings. The initial caveat with the Potara Earring fusions is that they are supposed to be a permanent process, which understandably gives Goku and Vegeta considerable pause before engaging in the process of taking down Super Buu.


However, Dragon Ball Super later reveals that the fusion of the Potar Earrings is only permanent when used by two Supreme Kais or other divine deities. For example, Kibito Kai, Old Kai, and Merged Zamasu are examples of permanent fusion of the Potara Earrings, but Vegito and Kefla are bonds that only last for an hour (or even less time if these fused warriors are subjected to a huge strain that drains their energy). It is important to understand that even though the Supreme Kai Potar Earrings connection is permanent, there are still ways that these connections can be reversed. Kibito Kai successfully separates back to Kibito and Shin by asking to reverse the connection to the Dragon Ball Eternal Dragon's wish.

Namekian Fusion Is A Permanent Process That Helps The Species Evolve


The Saiyans continue to dominate the storytelling of Dragon Ball, but the Namekians are an incredibly important alien species that have a plethora of unique skills that include creating the Dragon Balls. Dragon Ball actually promotes the concept of fusion long before it becomes a staple of the series, albeit as an exclusive Namekian technique that is seen more as a way for Piccolo to enhance his power than as a tool for two unique characters to become one . Dragon Ball Z episode 77, "The Fusion", is the first example of the Namekian fusion method.

Namekian fusion is a permanent and irreversible process where two members of a species become one and the dominant personality absorbs the other. The Metamoran Fusion and the Potara Earring Fusion result in individuals that are a fusion of participants, up to an altered voice that has a layered effect. Namekian fusion does not take this approach, and the superior individual retains its appearance and abilities, albeit with a significant increase in strength. Piccolo once again engages in this fusion method with Kami to better equip himself to fight the evil Androids during the Cell Saga.

Curiously, Namekian Fusion can be performed as many times as the individual wishes, provided there are Namekians to fuse with. Universe 6's Saonel and Pilina repeatedly engage in Namekian fusion with others of their kind to be as strong as possible for the Tournament of Power. This version of the Nakemian fusion is shown again in the Moro Saga, though Moro is strong enough to dispatch an unnamed Nakemian warrior without any problems. Namekians carry many reptilian traits such as the ability to regenerate lost limbs as well as some degree of malleability. This unlimited fusion procedure seems to further respect the symbiotic nature of the species to combine and evolve.

Android & Machine Mutant Fusions Utilize State-Of-The-Art Technology


The above fusion methods are by far the most common Dragon Ball methods, but there are still a few other select and exclusive fusion styles that pop up from time to time. Evil Androids are a mainstay of Dragon Ball that have been around since the original series and remain an obstacle in Dragon Ball Super today. Androids benefit from special abilities such as infinite energy and a unique ki signature that is nearly impossible to corrupt.

Androids are also revealed to have their own means of fusion that utilize their sophisticated circuitry and technology. The seventh Dragon Ball Z feature film, Super Android 13!, builds to an epic climax where Android 13 absorbs the microchips of his fallen brothers, Androids 14 and 15, to become Super Android 13. Dragon Ball GT also brings in Android 17, only to join with an almost identical creation of Dr. Myuu, Hell Fighter 17. The result is a destructive creation, Super 17.

Dragon Ball Super's Tournament of Power turns to similar tactics when the robot-centric universe 3 fuses all of their mechanical fighters together to become the multiverse threat, Agnilasa. Even the promotional anime, Super Dragon Ball Heroes, features a connection between the Neo Machine Mutants Kami and Oren, who become Kamioren. Strangely, Kamioren isn't a permanent fusion and their defeat results in the union breaking up and them reverting to their original form, while Super Android 13 and Super 17 are forever fusions that can't be reversed - all of which speaks to the different technologies in these creations. and how they uniquely affect fusion. Androids and Machine Mutants have their own means of fusion, but it stands to reason that they could fuse with others using the Potara earrings or the Metamoran fusion dance. It's just something that hasn't been canonically put into practice yet.

Majin Entities Have Their Own Irrevocable Form Of Fusion


Dragon Ball's ultimate fusion form is by far the most complex, though it still deserves attention. Majin Buu is an ancient evil entity that is responsible for countless deaths throughout the centuries. Buu engages in an absorption process that some may liken to fusion due to its end results. Buu can absorb and engulf individuals, giving him their strength, abilities, and even an altered appearance that mirrors that of those who are now a part of him. The fact that Buu's design physically changes to be a combination of his consumption makes it fair to group it with the other fusion methods. Another reason Buu is a character that seems naturally equipped for fusion is because he engaged in such a process during a climactic moment in Dragon Ball GT.

The heroes' fight against Baby Vegeta requires unprecedented strength, and Buu is willing to make a great sacrifice for the greater good. Dragon Ball GT Episode 32, "The Return Of Uub", features a special bond between Good Buu and Uub where the former is absorbed by the latter. The end result here is Majuub, which retains Uub's appearance, albeit with the addition of Good Buu's signature vest. This is another specialized fusion method that is permanent and becomes the end of Good Buu, but makes it easier for Uub to do a lot more in the future. It will be very interesting to see if Dragon Ball Super goes with the same tactic and decides that Buu & Uub are more effective as one character.

That's all the current fusion methods that Dragon Ball has revealed, but one of the great joys of the series is that there are always more surprises around the corner. It's only a matter of time before a new fusion technique comes into play.